Xponential 2022 an Eye-Opening Technology Exposition!

The AUVSI’s Xponential 2022, held at the Orange County Convention Center in Orlando Florida, April 25 – 28, was attended by several thousand technology professionals and robotics enthusiasts eager to take in the exhibits of more than 500 firms specializing in robotics, AI, sensors, electronics, and drones (land, air, & sea). The first large scale, live Xponential since 2019, the atmosphere was electric. Many of the exhibiting firms we visited were founded in the last 10 years, evidencing a vibrant, growing technology sector. The exhibits were inspiring and ranged from robot dogs to aerial and maritime drones to the latest manufacturing technologies. Also present were exhibitors and conference speakers representing robotics-related STEM educational programs.
Shown: the Aergility full-scale hybrid-power eVTOL/fixed wing drone (a kerosene turbine generator powers the electric vertical lift rotors), http://www.aergility.com, Ghost Robotics’ American-made robot dog, https://www.ghostrobotics.io/ and a field shot of a larger unmanned surface vessel (USV) from MARTAC, https://martacsystems.com. Stay tuned for a more expansive show report, watch this space!
–Tom Atwood, NREF executive director