nature, International Journal of Science, Endorses New AI Ethics Panel

The editorial points out that a kind of “AI arms race” is underway that is heavily funded by both governments and corporations, and the reason is that AI is projected to add approximately US$15 trillion to the world economy by 2030.  By all accounts, China and the U.S. are focused not on ethics and codes of practice so much as they are on the competition to develop the most powerful AI resources.  However, this apparent gap is being filled by France, Germany and Japan, whose national research agencies have called for research proposals on “AI that incorporates an ethical dimension.” In addition, the U.K. has created a center for data ethics and innovation.  Meanwhile, officials from Canada and France were said to have been working on launching an International Panel on Artificial Intelligence (IPAI) in discussions at the recent G7 summit in Biarritz, France, August 24 – 26.

For more details, please see the editorial at